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Messages on the Move

Messages On The Move are daily messages, advice, and tips about building Accountable Relationships. Whether on Instagram reels and TIKTOK, The LoveSnobs provides straightforward ways to strengthen the foundation of all your relationships. 

Instagram Reels


Drama Does Not Equate To Excitement

Drama does not equate to excitement in Accountable Relationships. In this Messages On The Move, Aziz discusses how maintaining the purity of our relationships should be what makes our relationships exciting. The most complex achievement in a changing world is finding stability. When you find peace, why add drama to the relationship? Drama does not…


Let’s Define Loyalty In Our Relationships and Apply It!

Loyalty In Our Relationships is a Message On The Move about How to Apply Loyalty To All Our Relationships. We tend to believe loyalty means stand by someone once they are in a bind. Loyalty is proactive. It is an agreement to honor the word over the people. We have to be loyal to the…


Joy Is A Requirement In Our Relationships

Joy Is A Requirement In Our Relationships!  Why shouldn’t it be?  We all join relationships for security, and a part of security is making sure Joy always exists in all our relationships. There will be pain, trials, disagreement, but the destination should always be Joy.  Joy Is A Requirement We Choose Relationships That Bring Us…


Loyalty Goes Both Ways In Relationships

Loyalty Goes Both Ways In Relationships discusses the importance of embracing Loyalty as a two-sided concept. We expected the people who we betrayal to be loyal. Yet, where was the Loyalty before we acted against the commitment?  If they decide to walk away from our disloyalty actions, it isn’t an act of disloyalty. It is…


Let’s Talk About Fatigue And How To Still Connect In Your Relationships

Let’s Talk About Fatigue And How To Still Connect In Your Relationships is a message on the move about not dealing with fatigue alone. Fatigue is a physical ailment but a mental and emotional deterrent in our relationships. Jerri explains why it is essential to let people in instead of shutting them out. When fatigue…


We Can Prolong Life By Having Healthy Relationships

We can Prolong life by having healthy relationships. We exercise to maintain health, build muscle mass for strength, and to feel great.  The LoveSnobs ask do want healthy relationships for the same reasons.  Is It The Feeling That Motivates Us Are we entering relationships because they make us feel good? We meet someone who matches…


Accountable Friends Go Beyond The Years

“Accountable Friends Go Beyond The Years” is a Message on the Move about Accountable Friendships. We watch movie after movie illustrating the counting of the years. But, years (time) can make us or break us. When we call someone our friend, the way we spend the time together validates that title. Jerri explains that very…


Let’s Discuss Accountable Relationships

Let’s discuss Accountable Relationships. Aziz discusses what it takes to be in Accountable Relationships. He explains the importance of choosing the best spouse and friends to create the right environment to raise children. In this Messages On The Move, Aziz will explain the significance of aligned core values. Spouses: When picking a spouse, it is…


Don’t Start Any Connection Through Pain

“Don’t Start Any Connection Through Pain” is a message on the move about building connections on pain. Pain is an easy connection for people because everyone has experienced pain. Joy is difficult because many people have not defined what joy is to them. Aziz breaks down why starting any relationship through pain can create a…


Our Relationships Are A Corporation

Our Relationships are a Corporation! Aziz explains how our Accountable relationships (spouses, Friends, and Children) as our corporation. People chase money but forget about their relationships. Well, if we start looking at our relationships as a corporation. We will start valuing our investments in our relationships. You & Your Spouse Are CEOs When entering a…