What Do You Bring To The Table? (Part One)

What Do You Bring to the Table is a podcast about honoring what we contribute to relationships. First off, we want to thank Jasmine, Mahagony, Chris, Xavier, Allwynter, and David for discussing what they bring to the table in their relationships. The group sat down to discuss the importance of understanding what we give to our connections to understand the people’s value in our lives. Each person must believe they have value in a relationship before they can say it’s a relationship. Co-dependency isn’t a relationship; it’s a service. We need to get back to building Accountable Relationships where we are giving as must as we are putting in. “What Do You Bring to the Table” encourages our viewers to examine their relationships. So, they can begin building equal, healthier, and just relationships. Remember, Insecurities are the Silent Relationship Killers. Listen, Learn, and Enjoy!

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The LoveSnobs are two friends that were tired of people saying they wanted accountable relationships but lacked a road map to acquire them. So, The AccountableLove Podcast does just that. It gives people a road map by defining terms, discussing building strong principles, and inviting everyday people to discuss building Accountable Relationships. The LoveSnobs believe Love Is A Group Journey, so let’s start your journey toward healthier, supportive, Loving Relationships.

What Do You Bring To The Table

The LoveSnobs

LoveSnobs are relationship builders by purpose. We want to live in a world where people are passionate about building relationships instead of just surviving relationships. Aziz & Jerri have been friends for 26 years, but that isn't what makes them qualified. What makes them qualified is their willingness to risk their relationship to hold each other accountable. AccountableLove is the daily practice of equal & healthier relationships and the foundation of our sessions. We have one on one, friendship & couple investment, accountable parenting, and six-week accountable group sessions. Our goal is to partner with our Builders to strengthen their relationship because that is our most vital support in the world.


  1. Laveda Tucker on October 13, 2019 at 10:10 am

    First off, David’s emotional intelligence is Godly. I agree with his entire perspective. I cannot believe the host of this show, on LOVE, says relationships and commitment “is a box” – shame. And the way the show was ended, with no resolve or closing remarks… SMH. Next time, please get a panel with a wider range of beliefs instead of ganging up on the one person in that room who doesn’t believe in the White Jesus.

    • The LoveSnobs on October 15, 2019 at 1:17 pm

      Thank you for Joining the discussion. Can your elaborate on your comments regarding David’s Emotional Intelligence being godly and which host can’t you believe because there are “two host” and why?

    • The LoveSnobs on October 15, 2019 at 2:13 pm

      Oh, We didn’t see your entire comment. Sorry.
      Personal relationships are choosing several out of many and a commitment is a promise to bring the best out of the people you are in a relationship with. This a box because it isn’t open to everyone. It’s narrowed to a selected few. We aren’t in friendships or partnerships with everyone. How do you pick your friends and partner? Does everyone hold those titles in your life? In regards to the ending, there is a second part it is coming this week Thursday. So tune in. We didn’t agree with the movie comment and one person had the lone opinion regarding that as well. The Male host didn’t agree with “the fuck emotion” comment and the was addressed. Mahagony stated and explained why she believes in organic connects which David shared that belief and the hosts didn’t. Why when a group shares a view but one doesn’t, it is ganging up verses having a discussion? David was not a victim nor did he present himself to be one. He actually stated he likes chaos so he planned to be the opposition regardless. This show is about finding common ground not just debating different views for entertainment. It’s a podcast about AcountableLove so the hosts are informing, educating and when challenged will have the discussion. Oh and nobody on the set were Christians, it was less about religious beliefs and more about honoring a commitment by honoring your word.

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