Durrell Joins The LoveSnobs

Durrell Joins the LoveSnobs during the Coronavirus pandemic. They discuss his marriage, divorce, dating, and maturing to build his life back. Like so many others (during this time), he is reflecting on the relationships. His marital status is the only relationship that changed. He had to review some friendships as well.  Durrell expressed the necessity to move towards some relationships and away from others. Durrell describes how much his divorce affected him; So much so, it is hard for him the say the word “Divorce” (which you will notice throughout the discussion). During the dialog, he takes accountability for his role in separating the marriage, which shows he is maturing and is ready to move forward. Durrell Joins The LoveSnobs, and facing the Coronavirus pandemic made him realizes through all his relationship triumph and setbacks; he found purpose. 

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The LoveSnobs are two friends that were tired of people saying they wanted accountable relationships but lacked a road map to acquire them. So, The AccountableLove Podcast does just that. It gives people a road map by defining terms, discussing building strong principles, and inviting everyday people to discuss building Accountable Relationships. The LoveSnobs believe Love Is A Group Journey, so let’s start your journey toward healthier, supportive, Loving Relationships.


Durell Joins the LoveSnobs


The LoveSnobs

LoveSnobs are relationship builders by purpose. We want to live in a world where people are passionate about building relationships instead of just surviving relationships. Aziz & Jerri have been friends for 26 years, but that isn't what makes them qualified. What makes them qualified is their willingness to risk their relationship to hold each other accountable. AccountableLove is the daily practice of equal & healthier relationships and the foundation of our sessions. We have one on one, friendship & couple investment, accountable parenting, and six-week accountable group sessions. Our goal is to partner with our Builders to strengthen their relationship because that is our most vital support in the world.

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