Discussion #19- What makes you my Friend?

Aziz & Jerri are great friends. They have a healthy relationship. They invited their friend Jasmine as a guest on the podcast to talk about what makes a friend a friend. They discuss the problems that have had connecting, how they kept the lines of communication open at the tough times, and they talk about what it looks like to be in healthy friendships. l Friends for some of the most influential people in our lives. They hold a percentage of our happiness in your hands. Being vulnerable and finding joy in having the raw discussion is where the health starts.
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The LoveSnobs

LoveSnobs are relationship builders by purpose. We want to live in a world where people are passionate about building relationships instead of just surviving relationships. Aziz & Jerri have been friends for 26 years, but that isn't what makes them qualified. What makes them qualified is their willingness to risk their relationship to hold each other accountable. AccountableLove is the daily practice of equal & healthier relationships and the foundation of our sessions. We have one on one, friendship & couple investment, accountable parenting, and six-week accountable group sessions. Our goal is to partner with our Builders to strengthen their relationship because that is our most vital support in the world.

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