Are You Ready For A Commitment?

Are You Ready For A Commitment asks our listeners that very questions. One of our “Builders” from our online Accountable Relationship Building Sessions, “Love Is A Group Journey,” reached out to us (The LoveSnobs), asking us to comprise a list of questions. She stated, she read several Lists online but couldn’t find a more direct and out of the box list. She added, we are out the box thinkers and should have a list. So we created a list and posted it on the blog portion of our website. We also decided to have a podcast where we are answering those questions. This list can assist people looking for a healthy, committed relationship.
Tune In and see if this list will benefit you or someone you may know.

P.S. You can also use the “Are You Ready For A Commitment” list if you are already in a committed romantic relationship.

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The LoveSnobs are two friends that were tired of people saying they wanted accountable relationships but lacked a road map to acquire them. So, The AccountableLove Podcast does just that. It gives people a road map by defining terms, discussing building strong principles, and inviting everyday people to discuss building Accountable Relationships. The LoveSnobs believe Love Is A Group Journey, so let’s start your journey toward healthier, supportive, Loving Relationships.

The LoveSnobs

LoveSnobs are relationship builders by purpose. We want to live in a world where people are passionate about building relationships instead of just surviving relationships. Aziz & Jerri have been friends for 26 years, but that isn't what makes them qualified. What makes them qualified is their willingness to risk their relationship to hold each other accountable. AccountableLove is the daily practice of equal & healthier relationships and the foundation of our sessions. We have one on one, friendship & couple investment, accountable parenting, and six-week accountable group sessions. Our goal is to partner with our Builders to strengthen their relationship because that is our most vital support in the world.

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